Payments Policy
About Payments Policy
Payment Methods Accepted:
DAYANCUBE accept payments via PayPal (direct and payment cards), Bank Transfer.
Payment by PayPal
If PayPal is available in your country, you can use PayPal. You need to create PayPal account that will be connected to your bank account via your debit card or credit card, and verified by PayPal.
Bank Transfer
We support the payment method of bank transfer. If you choose this payment method, the Bank Account and info will appear on the checkout page, Once your transfer is successful, please send the transfer voucher to our customer service email ( or online customer service as soon as possible. After receiving the information, our customer service will confirm the order and arrange delivery as soon as possible, thank you!
- Please do not send cash.
- Please do not send cheques or money orders.
- Please do not email us details of bank accounts or credit cards (unless it is instructed by us, in which case please closely follow our instructions).
- We cannot accept Western Union money transfers.
- We also do not accept other online payment systems except the ones we mentioned above. Sorry!
- Please do not attempt to use another person’s credit card or PayPal account for payments, unless you are certain the credit card/PayPal owner will be able to provide us with direct confirmation that the charge is authorized.